Point Pinos Lighthouse was first lit on February 1, 1855 and is the oldest continuously operating lighthouse in California. The spirit of Emily Fish, who lived onsite from 1893 to 1914, is believed to still maintain the building and is "one of the lighthouse's best-known keepers".
Address: 80 Asilomar Avenue. Pacific Grove, CA. Source: Haunted Places in Monterey County, Monterey County Visitors Bureau, (2023). Colton Hall is the first government building of California. Built in the 1840s, the site hosted a Constitutional Convention and also served as a jailhouse from 1851 to 1939.
Museum staff report "so many strange experiences that there is no other reasonable explanation than to accept that ghosts are all over the place". Intense cold spots and disembodied footsteps are frequently observed on the balcony where the gallows once stood. Address: 570 Pacific Street. Monterey, CA. Source: Ghost Hunter's Guide to Monterey, Dwyer, (2010).
Hollywood Walk of Fame is a historic landmark with over 2,700 star-shaped sidewalk inscriptions celebrating prominent actors and entertainers. The 1.3 mile site includes monuments to horror film icons such as Bela Lugosi, Vincent Price, and Boris Karloff, as well as haunted locations like the Pantages Theater and Roosevelt Hotel.
Address: Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street. Hollywood, CA. Source: Hollywood Haunted, Jacobson, (1999). Howe-Waffle House and Medical Museum is an 1889 residence in the Downtown Santa Ana Historic District. The home was inhabited by Dr. Willella Howe-Waffle, one of California's first female physicians, until her death in 1924.
The site is regularly featured on local haunted tours and was subject of a 2013 episode of Ghost Adventures. Patrons have noted "feeling as though someone were right there wanting to communicate" and have observed orbs of light traveling across dark rooms. Address: 20 West Civic Center Drive. Santa Ana, CA. Source: Professor's Guide to Haunted Southern California, Gardner, (2020). The Entity House inspired the book and film The Entity. In 1974, resident Doris Bither claimed three spirits sexually assaulted her including "Mr. Whose-It," a 6-foot-tall poltergeist, and two other entities with "oriental faces".
Parapsychologists Kerry Gaynor and Barry Taff investigated the home and encountered a spectral light show with an "expanding, contracting appearance" along with the "overpowering smell of decomposing flesh". The property now serves as a private family residence. Address: 11547 Braddock Drive. Culver City, CA. Source: Haunted Houses of California, May, (2018). The Georgian opened in 1933 and has hosted a variety of famous guests including Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, and Al Capone. Staff at the hotel allege many "spirits still linger" and report receiving phantom phone calls from unoccupied guest rooms.
Ghosts certainly have not scared away business as the Santa Monica landmark attracts up to 40,000 guests annually. Address: 1415 Ocean Avenue. Santa Monica, CA. Source: Stories of Santa Monica’s Haunted Past, Santa Monica Travel & Tourism, (2017). The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel opened on May 15, 1927 and is the oldest hotel in Los Angeles. Known for hosting numerous Hollywood stars, "it's no surprise that the hotel has been home of innumerable ghostly sightings".
Marilyn Monroe was a regular guest and her "reflection is seen in a full-length mirror" in Room 1200. Montgomery Clift haunts the 9th Floor where "people hear Clift pacing up and down the hallway rehearsing his lines". The site is designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. Address: 7000 Hollywood Boulevard. Hollywood, CA. Source: Professors Guide to Haunted S. California, Gardner, (2020).
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Founded in 2020, the project promotes placed-based experiences at supernatural locations across the world. Most Haunted1. LaLaurie Mansion
2. Fox Cottage 3. Hook & Ladder Co .8 4. Horseman Bridge 5. Old Dutch Church 6. Virginia City (NV) 7. Chew Mansion 8. LeMoyne Crematory 9. Lily Dale 10. Manoa Falls Trail 11. Manhattan Well 12. Old Olalla Cemetery 13. Old Washoe Club 14. American Society for Psychical Research 15. Nyack Ghost House 16. Victoria (BC) 17. Thom Reed UFO 18. Fraser Canyon 19. Entity House 20. Mission Inn 21. San Jacinto Range 22. Washington Square 23. Gatsby Mansion 24. Los Rios District 25. 50 North 9th St. 26. Minn. City Hall 27. Grand Central 28. Rogers' Chocolates 29. 455 Central Park W. 30. Camp Chesterfield 31. Spook Rock 32. Ghost Trees 33. Houdini House 34. The Dakota 35. Royer Mansion 36. Jockey Hollow 37. Pico House 38. Men in Black HQ 39. Honolulu Airport 40. Ross Bay Cemetery 41. 11 Bank Street 42. Manresa Castle 43. Manoa Cemetery 44. Conference House 45. Witch House 46. Hollywood Roosevelt 47. Hanging Tree 48. Katie W. Library 49. Amstel House 50. Mumler's Studio 51. Rosenheim Mansion 52. Catalina Island 53. Houdini's Grave 54. Abraham Lincoln Seance House 55. Crewe Circle Studio 56. Pinos Lighthouse 57. Yost Theater 58. Adobe Capistrano 59. Colton Hall 60. Tugboat Graveyard 61. Grant's Tomb 62. Rustic Canyon 63. Spook-a-Rama 64. Thelma T. Garage 65. Walk of Fame 66. Wash. Irving's Grave 67. Howe-Waffle House 68. Henry Levy House 69. Weehawken Dueling Grounds 70. Rothschild House 71. La Quinta Resort 72. The Georgian 73. Woelke House 74. Heath Ledger Loft COMPLETE LISTING (A-Z)Abraham Lincoln Séance House
Adobe Capistrano American Society for Psychical Research Amstel House Camp Chesterfield Catalina Island Chew Mansion Colton Hall Conference House Crewe Circle Studio Dakota Entity House Fraser Canyon Fox Cottage Gatsby Mansion Georgian Hotel Ghost Trees Grand Central Terminal Grant's Tomb Hanging Tree Heath Ledger Loft Henry Levy House Hollywood Roosevelt Honolulu Airport Hook & Ladder Co. 8 Horseman Bridge Houdini's Grave Houdini House Howe-Waffle House Jockey Hollow Katie Wheeler Library LaLaurie Mansion La Quinta Resort LeMoyne Crematory Lily Dale Los Rios Historic District Manhattan Well Manoa Cemetery Manoa Falls Trail Manresa Castle Men in Black HQ Minneapolis City Hall Mission Inn Mumler's Studio Nyack Ghost House Old Dutch Church Old Olalla Cemetery Old Washoe Club Pico House Point Pinos Lighthouse Rogers' Chocolates Rosenheim Mansion Ross Bay Cemetery Rothschild House Royer Mansion Rustic Canyon San Jacinto Mountains Spook-a-Rama Spook Rock Thelma Todd Garage Thom Reed UFO Tugboat Graveyard Victoria (BC) Virginia City (NV) Walk of Fame Wash. Irving's Grave Washington Square Weehawken Dueling Grounds Witch House Woelke-Stoffel House Yost Theater 11 Bank Street 455 Central Park W. 50 North 9th St. Categories
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